The Working Stay at Home Mom

choosing life-work balance instead

Inspiring Parents to Shift From a Work-Life to a Life-Work Balance

It’s what we do every day that really counts. After all, the daily routines are what truly shapes a family.

Recent Posts:

You've Been Told You Can Have It All, But At What Cost?

The Mom Struggle is Real!

Hey, Mama, I see you. You're juggling way too many balls in the air—career, kids, home—and you're just one spill away from a total meltdown. You might be the queen of multitasking, but you've also got this nagging feeling that you're never truly present in any of your roles. If you're tired of trying to "do it all" and burning out in the process, you're in the right place.

Join the Working Stay at Home Mom Movement

Let's rethink the whole work-life balance dilemma. I've been a Working Stay at Home Mom (WSAHM) since 2016, and it's been a game-changer for me and my family. In this space, the focus is on finding fulfilling jobs that mesh seamlessly with the family routines that reflect YOUR values. You won't just be surviving motherhood—you'll be thriving instead.

It's Time for a Mom Revolution

Everyday tips to help parents find their way through the chaos that is raising a family.

Everyday Tips:

Grab some parenting tips and maybe a little bit of a rant about the joys and those not so fun moments that come with being a mom.

Everyday Mom:

Get a little bit of help on how to stay organized with work; all the while having that load of laundry in the back of your mind! 

Everyday Working Mom:

From cooking to cleaning and bringing the car for a tune-up, this section is about everything and anything that makes a home run smoothly. 

Everyday Housekeeping:

They say the best memories are made around the dinner table. So here’s a section on everything table; from entertaining and table setting tips, to table manners and dining etiquette.

Everyday Tablescapes:

It’s surprising how a calm and beautiful space can make the whole clan feel nurtured and serene. So here’s to creating a home that reflects the sanctuary that we need it to be!

Everyday Interiors:

Hi, I’m C, also known as The Working Stay at Home Mom.

About me

I started "The Working Stay at Home Mom" blog as a way to help moms balance raising their children while earning income on the side. I have been a self-proclaimed "working stay at home mom" since 2016, and I feel that it’s time to pay it forward and help other women find their way into this type of lifestyle.

The WSAHM (pronounced WA-ZAM) is meant to offer heartfelt, honest advice on everyday things that make a home run smoothly. 

I believe that families are shaped by the daily routines we set ourselves. So, let’s establish routines that reflect the values we are trying to pass on to our children, and make what we do every day truly count!

Everyday Favorites

Looking for a little inspiration to help you create the beautiful, clean and organized home you have been longing for? This might help!

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If you're loving what you're reading and you're ready to make a move, you won't want to miss out on my newsletter.

Have a Question?

Got a burning question or just want to share your heart? Drop me a line! I will get back to you with all the honesty and insight I've got. And hey, if you're looking to partner up and spread some serious mom magic, I'm all ears for that too. Let's create something beautiful and show the world what us mamas can do. Can't wait to hear from you!

we will be in touch shortly

Thank You

heads up!

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The advice on this site is general in nature and will need to be adjusted to your personal situation. If you have any concerns, please consult a trained professional such as your doctor or healthcare provider. More on this here