Parenting Style Quiz

Do you wonder what is your parenting style? Here is a Parenting Quiz with a twist!

This quick, multiple choice questionnaire is designed  to help you determine who is your movie parent double and, essentially, what’s your parenting style. 

As a bonus, the results will also offer you a few tips on how to up your game as a parent.

Ready to give it a try?

The results of this questionnaire are not definitive. They can, however, provide you with a general idea of which parenting style you fall into. This may be helpful to you if you are wondering about the current state of things in the family, how to approach a specific situation or if you are considering therapy for you, your family or your children.

heads up!

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The advice on this site is general in nature and will need to be adjusted to your personal situation. If you have any concerns, please consult a trained professional such as your doctor or healthcare provider. More on this here